Monday 13 July 2009

Phone Sex (Sort Of)

So, I'm sitting letting my dinner digest, sipping on a nice glass of Barolo, and the fucking phone rings. Despite knowing that I shouldn't, I answer it (an unusual act, I usually ignore it) because Mrs SC is away and I figure she's checking I'm not dead yet. It's not Mrs SC, and I'm not dead. It is, however, some salesbod trying to sell me some shit via an unsolicited call. What's more, he doesn't have the best command of the English language. I think to myself, fuck it, there's nothing on the TV.

"Hello, Mister Santa Cruz?"
"Who's that?"
"Is that Mister Santa Cruz?"
"Why? Who are you?"
"I can't discuss that with you unless you confirm you are Mister Santa Cruz."
"Data Protection." * This is a piss-poor ruse to get you to identify yourself!
"Well, if I say I am Mister Santa Cruz, what does that prove?"
"It confirms who you are."
"No it doesn't."
"Yes it does."
"Well, I'm afraid Mister Santa Cruz is dead."
"Oh, I see. Are you the homeowner?"
"Who's the homeowner?"
"Are you?"
"Give me a name and I'll tell you if he's the homeowner."
"What do you mean?"
"Tell me the name of the homeowner."
"Data protection!"
"Oh, I see. Are you the homeowner?"
"Which home?"
"This one."
"Which one?"
"I have a special offer if you are the homeowner."
"What is it?"
"Are you the homeowner?"
"Tell me what the offer is, and I'll tell you if I'm the homeowner."
"I can't tell you unless you confirm if you own the property."
"Which property?"
"Your property."
"I do own property, that I can confirm."
"What is the address?"
"It's the address that Mister Santa Cruz used to have."
"Are you Mister Santa Cruz?"
"No, he's still dead."
"So who are you?"

Now, if you're fucking confused, imagine how he felt. I still don't know what he was selling. I managed to keep him at it for 19 minutes before he hung up on me. My all-time record is 59 minutes. That bastard hung up just before I made the hour. I now have taken to recording the calls. It's fantastic what you can do if you put your mind to it. I had one bloke trying to sell me a phone barking like a dog.

Just remember folks; telesales people are for life, not just for Christmas.

Fuck them!

1 comment:

  1. I like to tell telemarketers that I'd like a chicken burrito with sour cream when the telephone. I try to place an order until they get frustrated and hang up.

    I hate telemarketers.

    Love you,



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