Monday 10 August 2009

Stick Your E-Ticket Up Your Arse!

Traveling! Some think it's great, but I bet the fuckers don't have to do it for their work! Now, many years ago, traveling was simple. You went to a travel agent, you bought a ticket, booked a hotel, and pissed off home. A few days later, Postie pushed an envelope through your letterbox containing a plane ticket (a thin paper booklet around 6 x 3 inches with the tickets on separate pages) and a confirmation of your hotel booking. For that, we paid them a few pounds - money well spent.

Today, it's fucking dreadful. First, you have to go on-line and spend a few hours filtering through numerous fucking web-sites to find the only one that isn't going to tear you a new arsehole. Then you have to book the fucking shit yourself. Okay, it's not hard, but if you're drunk, you are likely to fly out of one airport and return to a different one. Yes, I've done that a few times, and then spent a small fortune trying to get to my fucking car.

However, then - for ecological reasons - we have the fucking e-ticket. Now, I'm all for saving a few trees, but the e-ticket is a con. The airlines and hotels don't print them, the fucking customer does. In most cases, the cunts don't want the actual e-ticket, but on the one occasion you don't print it, you'll be fucked! The cost for this - nothing, but then they want a fucking credit card fee, which costs more than the fucking paper ticket ever did.

So, having just returned from a trip, I spent an hour this morning shredding all my unused e-ticket vouchers. Then I spent another hour printing out a fucking ream of paper for my next trip. It's not work, it's a holiday, but it feels like work. I need 17 separate items of fucking paperwork, and each one is designed to not fit onto a single sheet.

E-tickets? Stick them up your arse!

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