Monday 17 August 2009

Super Sexy Squeaky's Out!

It's funny how sometimes things come out of the past and suddenly spring a whole bunch of memories! Whilst looking at SB's blog today, I saw news that Mansonette Squeaky Fromme has been released. Now, when it comes to mad bitches, Squeaky was a cute one. Yes indeed, flashing off a bit of leg with her holster strapped on, who could fault a boy for going at himself like a dog with ticks!

Back in the day, I dreamed of living in a shed with her, doing the odd serial killing, and generally getting into a lot of stuff that involved her getting naked.

Okay, so we know she's a mad bitch, we know she's been getting her crack licked by some butch pitbull bitch in the pen, and we know she's now older, uglier and probably slightly dull company at an evening soiree, what with her compulsion to slop out, smoke ultra-thin rollies and suck fluff in the showers, but I can't help feeling I'd like to take her home and keep her in a cage.

After all, she's so cute!

1 comment:

  1. Great post, Vincent. The Squeakster could probably use some lodging and free meals. Maybe you ought to try and locate her and make her an offer.

    Thanks for the nod.

    Love, SB.


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