Saturday 18 April 2009

Smack My Brat Up

If there's one thing that gets right up the nose of today's Pinko do-gooder know-it-alls, it's smacking children. The reason why the streets are rife with crime, why children are stabbing each other to death, why ten year old kids are raping each is other, is because the vast majority of modern parents are ineffectual.

Any parent who favours concepts such as 'the naughty step' over a short sharp slap should be dragged into the street by their neighbours and beaten around the genitals with a rubber hose. The reason is simple; their poor parenting is ruining the lives of those that have to share public space with their miscreant children.

Now, I've always countered the Pinkos with the simple argument of it did me - and others of my generation - no harm. There's no real answer to that, but fed up of looking foolish the Pinkos have invented one. Apparently, it's a lazy excuse!

Many years ago, generations of children were beaten. I use this word wisely, because we - and those before us - weren't smacked, we were beaten. Mothers chided and occasionally took the back of a hair brush, a wooden spoon or a coat hanger to your legs. This was always a build up to the main event, because you'd also get a beating off your father. That was they way it was; Fathers also got involved, and used all their strength to teach children a good lesson.

Now, people from that age say: "It did me no harm", and I'll tell you why. It's because it did them no harm. In fact, it did them the power of good. They went off with a sound beating, and won two world wars. These weren't the children of 'naughty steps' or 'no X-Box after supper'; these where the children of the belt, the cane and the birch!

Young lads didn't lay in bed playing with themselves, nor did they shirk their responsibilities; the volunteered to go to war at the age of 12 and 13, pretending to be men so they could sign up and protect their elders and betters. It was called respect - not some bad-ass hip-hop respect, but proper respect that burned in their hearts and protected those who could not protect themselves. Robbing the elderly was limited to America, Africa, Asia and France. The worst crime in Hingerland was scrumping apples, and diseases were non-existant. Smoking was good for you, as was drinking and eating fat. Children were taking a beating at sunrise, and by sunset they were facing the Nazi hordes. It did them no harm, because it gave them backbones of steel!

After the wars, children still took beatings. It did them no harm, because it made them stronger. We won the world cup with a team of blokes that got beaten as kids. Women that got beaten as kids rose up and seized their rights. Those kids created art and music and culture, despite getting beaten. Why? Because it did them no harm. What's more, they had respect for others and respect for themselves.

Britain grew strong, and the infrastructure that many of today's unruly brats take for granted was forged by men and ladies and boys and girls who took beatings off their parents. The technology they use wasn't always there; the kids who took beatings did that for them. The variety of options people have from around the world are here because the who kids took beatings put them there. Nowadays, there is hardly an inch of the planet that hasn't been visited, explored, climbed, walked or lived on. That was us, the kids that took beatings, who got there first. That's why today's youth sit at home playing a video game about something we'd already done.

But how could this be? Simple, it's because those beatings didn't do us any harm.When I was a kid we got beatings, and guess what? So did everyone else. We all got beatings. It was no big deal; it was how life was. We didn't care because it DID US NO HARM AT ALL!

Today kids grow up in a society where beatings are frowned upon. It's an age where old people are terrorised, there's no community spirit and fat kids lie in puddles of their own semen watching other fat kids on the internet, all just waiting to die. Obesity is rife, as is disease and new-fangled illnesses like stress. Today's kids need a beating, they really do.

So, a message to the Pinko Parents and all the others who don't like it when people say "it did me no harm"; maybe ... just maybe ... you should swallow that bile you're filled with and accept that they might have a valid point, you pansies!


  1. This takes me back. Excellent.

  2. Despite the furore this seems to have created (not sure why some people have gone so overboard), this did make me laugh. You remind me of my Dad!

  3. My Dad beat me and it did do a load of damage. I used to think 'whats that for' see he beat cos he could, bad day at the office dear, oww never mind beat da kid.
    In the end the beatings made me give up, give up on them as parents and me.
    Im lucky I got out
    Think it through...ya approving of someone twice ya size beating on ya.
    Sorry I can't go with da 'this is so post ironic middle class babble, beating kids is wrong and dats the end of it.
    Ya post sucks

  4. Fatal Flaw; did you read the words, put them together, and figure out what they're saying?


    Thought not!


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