Saturday 18 April 2009

Smacking - Another Route?

Having thought over my earlier comments on smacking, I realised that there are other forms of discipline that can be just as effective. My Father was a firm but fair man, although slightly predicatable when it came to beatings. However, on one occasion he found another way to get his point across.

I remember one Saturday, turning off the horse racing to watch some cartoon, because my Dad had fallen asleep. He woke up, saw what I had done, and me and my brother cowered, expecting the obligatory beating. However, he left the room and went to the garage. After much banging he called us out, and had built a miniature court house. He had killed our pet hamsters and tied them together to make a wig, and with that placed upon his head he held a trial. We were charged with showing a lack of respect to authority; a crime against the state (well, against the house).

We were found guilty and sentenced to serve seven years in a "re-education centre". During the day we built bridges, and at night we read books he had written or watched films he had made that taught us respect for our elders. On occasions we were tortured a bit, and had to wear uniforms that looked like pyjamas with his face stencilled on them. It may seem slightly insane, but he told us in lectures that it was all a part of eliminating our disgraceful past, and being reborn into the new life of respectfulness.

After seven years, we were released, and I never switched the television over again when the racing was on, even if he was snoring his head off.

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