Tuesday 23 June 2009

Sexy Food? Probably Not!

For those few feeble-minded idiots that actually bother to read this toss, they might have noticed a slow down in my posting rate recently. Apart from having to do some work, I also spent some time with an old friend who has recently been released ... I mean who has recently returned to the country following a short sabbatical.

Now, like myself, Mr Cabanas has a love of fine food, and sometimes when we get together in the kitchen, we realise that we are denying so many people a glimpse into what real food should be. The only "Bargain Bucket" in our kitchen is the black plastic one we piss into when we're too drunk to find the stairs.

Now we have decided that it's about time we taught the world to cook in a right and proper fashion. Where corners can be cut, we'll cut them. Where there's a quick way, we'll take it. If we can fool those eating our food, we will! If there's an option to add alcohol, we're already there. And pornography? Yes, we have that too! You could become a kitchen god or goddess without any effort!

Don't fuck about; have a look at NOSH JOB today!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Lord, Vincent. That first photo was a doozy! JESUS.

    Love to you,



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