Saturday 23 May 2009

An Open Letter to Willie Walsh

Dear Willie Walsh,

I was reading this morning about the losses experienced by British Airways, and was interested in your comment - in your role as BA Chief Executive - that you saw "no signs of recovery anywhere", and your claim that much of the blame for the losses could be laid at the door of the economic climate.

Okay, your stance might take a few people in, but I think you and I know something a little different, don't we?

Let's face it, BA is a fucking travesty, a badly run arrogant business in a time when customers are considering very carefully where to spend their money. A company that is untrustworthy, incompetent, ignorant, unbending in its delusions that it is 'special' and blatantly under-performing is never going to succeed when it charges a premium over other airlines for a service that is, quite frankly, as pleasant as month-old flange gunge.

I have long since given up trying to book any flights with BA. There are so many hidden extras it's harder than dealing with a Nigerian money laundering scam. When you do finally get a ticket, it means fuck all, because the last five times I used British Airways, you tried to bump me from an over-booked flight. The level of over-booking from BA is legendary. I once watched while two of your bitches (and I use the word advisedly) bullied a Chinese girl (who spoke little English) into accepting a few fucking Euros to give up her seat on a flight to Hong Kong. Despite her tears and pleading to be put on the flight, your staff told her she had NO option. That's a customer, and you're telling them they have no choice but to accept they can't have a fucking seat they paid for. That, my old Son, is fucking nothing short of robbery.

Your staff are fucking arrogant, and any enquiry is dismissed because their attitude is BA first, customers last. It's typical behaviour across the board. Your company has become a beacon for piss-poor bad service, dishonesty and utter ignorance when dealing with customer service issues.

Now, maybe ... and you'll no doubt disagree ... if BA looked after its customers, more people might fly with you. However, until those responsible (and I'm looking at you Willie, I really am) accept that they're incompetent and resign, and someone with a fucking clue about customer service takes over, I feel that your company might be somewhat shafted up the behind.

Sort it out, Wille!

Yours sincerely,

Vincent Santa Cruz

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